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Easy Furniture Web Tip #100 - Dodge Being a Google Falling Star. Pay Attention.

Furniture World Magazine


By Katherine Andes

It’s hard for me to believe this Easy Furniture Web Tips column is up to #100. When I started in late 2008, I wondered if I would be able to keep this up weekly. It actually has been pretty easy.

That’s because when it comes to online marketing, there is so much to consider and to write about: web sites, search engine optimization, page conversion, analytics, email campaigns, linking strategies, Facebook, Twitter, other social media, persuasive writing, style, web video, security, flash vs. html, mobile-friendly pages, and, well, you get the idea.

For Tip 100, I wanted to write about something that sums up all that we’ve covered thus far. And I think I have just the thought …

When it comes to your online marketing: Pay Attention! All the time!

Over and over I hear from business owners excuses about why they can’t do this or that right now. And I understand that smaller businesses may not be able to tackle the whole Internet monster in one big bite.

But that’s no excuse not to always be tackling something, however small it may seem. Like fixing just one key web page.

My very first tip was about how to improve your web site weekly. It’s still good advice.

But besides improving your web site weekly, you should think more broadly and do even more: Improve your Internet presence each and every week.

Besides your web site, you should be improving your social media presence, your email campaigns, and thinking about how your company looks on mobile devices.

Easy Furniture Web Tip #100: Even if your Internet presence is in good shape now — not likely — you need to be vigilant to stay ahead of your competitors and the ever-morphing Internet. Remember, a top Google ranking can fall like a shooting star.

Katherine Andes is a web specialist who writes custom content for key web pages, including search engine optimization (SEO) — especially in the home improvement market. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at Kathy@AndesAndAssociates.com.

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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