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Weekly Furniture Management Tip #10 - A Good Leader--

Furniture World News


by Roy Miller, President
Country View Woodworking


  1. realizes that meaningful communication is complex.
  2. practices the “feedback” concept to insure understanding on the part of the
    deliverer and recipient.
  3. teaches that voice inflection is a key component in communication.
  4. understands that the written word is readily believed and the spoken word is frequently questioned.
  5. comprehends that communication that lacks clarity often results in loss of money, time, production and relationships.
  6. knows that your ability to communicate involves more than words. Exercising silence has merit even if you have the last word.

These weekly “Monday Morning Management Tips” are jointly provided by both Country View Woodworking and Furniture World.

About Country View Woodworking: CVW contracts pieces and parts from a broad selection of suppliers to expand the myriad of styles and sizes offered and expedite delivery on custom requests. Comments about these weekly tips can be directed to Roy Miller (Country View Woodworking http://www.cvwltd.com) care of editor@furninfo.com.


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