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Organic Mattresses, Inc. Reports Increased Sales, Takes Second Las Vegas Showroom

Furniture World News


 In a sea of headlines focused on the latest economic downturn, Organic Mattresses, Inc. (OMI) recently announced increase sales.

“First quarter sales of our Organicpedic® mattress line is up 54 percent over last year,” said OMI President/CEO and co-founder Walt Bader.  “Our philosophy has stayed the game.  We simply make the purest organic mattresses on the market and distribute through a wide range of brick and mortar retailers who understand the value of offering something unique and authentic.”

Building on its continued growth, the company has added a second Las Vegas Market booth in the Specialty Sleep Association exhibit, space C-1350, to extend the offerings of its permanent showroom in the same building, space C-1558.

Leading up to Las Vegas Market, OMI has also had great success opening new retailers such as Ergo Sleep Systems in Berkeley, Calif. 

Owners of Ergo Sleep Systems, Mark Thomas, Nel and Leonard Laxamana, deliberated about bringing on OMI for several months before giving it the green light.  They are now experiencing the benefits of increased sales momentum first-hand.  Ergo’s OMI sales rose 36 percent in May and 52 percent in June.  OMI is outselling other nature-inspired brands on their floor three to one.

ABC Department store in New York has had outstanding success with the line, and their volume is up significantly from last year.

A recent OMI partner, New Living in Houston, Texas, brought OMI on their floor after seeing the product line in OMI’s showroom at Las Vegas World Market. “At New Living, green is not just a segment of our business or some marketing slogan, it’s a guiding principle,” said Jennifer Touchet of New Living. “OMI is a perfect fit for us and our clientele.” 

Walt Bader attributes the growth to several factors. Consumers are first attracted to the fine, hand-tailored quality of OMI mattresses and the fact that they are made in the USA, according to Bader. “The fact that they are organic is a huge bonus,” he said.

“Consumers are becoming more aware of organic textiles, and frankly they are surprised at our comfort and value. Customers want more choice in the area of high-quality goods that are environmentally responsible. But at the end of the day (literally), OMI mattresses are luxuriously comfortable.  That’s the real reason why sales are climbing.”

At the Las Vegas Market on September 14-17, 2009, OMI will continue to emphasize to retailers its Purity Guarantee which states, “If a customer can find another organic mattress purer that ours we will give the customer our mattress for FREE.” OrganicPedic® by OMI queen-size mattresses range in price from $2,395 to $4,395.

OMI is a full-circle environmental company dedicated to supporting America’s organic and sustainable farmers by buying their cotton and wool. OMI manufactures its products in the only GOTS-certified (Global Organic Textile Standard) facility in North America completely dedicated to organic mattresses and bedding. OMI mattresses are also Greenguard-certified and qualify under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s LEEDS indoor air-quality program. For more information, go to www.organicpedicbyomi.com