Cure for chronic "insurancitis".

Like the flu, "insurancitis" hits most of us every year. This contagious malady seems to have started with doctors several years ago. When the number of medical malpractice actions began to skyrocket, so did doctors' insurance premiums. Soon insurance in virtually all industries and professions became more expensive.
If you run your own delivery fleet, just compare what you now pay against a few years back for collision, theft, public liability and other delivery-related coverage. You'll be amazed.
Here are some ideas used by specialized delivery services and stores with fleets to combat chronic insurancitis. These ideas work because they plug into a basic psychological truth: pride and self-interest are powerful incentives.
Driver safety programs. The National Safety Council, the American Trucking Association and other concerned organizations have developed excellent, comprehensive driver improvement programs. They offer ready-made and customized "packages" that incorporate everything from human-interest films to paycheck envelope enclosures and from signs and posters to incentives such as family gifts and family vacations.
Preventive maintenance programs. The better the condition of your trucks, the lower the accident risk and your insurance bill. Carefully monitored programs also help avoid delivery backlogs.
Substance abuse programs. Drugs and alcohol are major concerns in industry-and on the road. With many counseling services to choose from, it's wise to get a solid referral from your local health department or chamber of commerce.
Spot checks and public opinions. A drive along a delivery route very so often is a quick, easy way to see how your store image is being driven. Many companies find it helps to put a phone number on the backs of trucks with a request for calls "if this vehicle is operated improperly."
The trend toward higher insurance costs shows no sign of abating. More the reason to explore every means of fiscal self-defense. Whichever of these tried and proven ways you use, you'll not only get sure relief from chronic insurancitis-you'll generally lower your delivery cost and improve your delivery service.