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Love Furniture Profits Tip: Think About This As You Prepare Your Next Ad

Furniture World News Desk on 7/1/2014

By David Love Love Furniture Profits

Look at your next ad before it runs. Think about these questions one of the ‘Old Masters’ would ask of rookie copy writers at his agency:

1. Why should anyone read or listen to it?

2. Why should anyone believe it?

3. Why should anyone do anything about it?

4. Why should it be acted upon immediately?

-- Maxwell Sackheim*

Each one of those questions merits its own article, but I’ll summarize for you.

I think we pretty much take our customers and prospects for granted. We just assume that when we run an ad, drop a post card, send a letter, she’s breathlessly waiting for it to arrive so she can jump in her SUV and get to your store as fast as she can and buy whatever is in the ad.

Trust me on this. That’s not the way it happens.

Your headline, followed by body copy and call to action, must quickly and clearly present an exciting promise of how she’ll benefit. Here’s the usual headline I see when a sectional, for example, is advertised. “Sectional.” Maybe “4-piece Sectional.” Maybe “Motion Sectional.”

You’ll notice I said ‘body copy’ and ‘call to action.’ Virtually all furniture and mattress ads today have neither.

Here’s a headline I wrote for an ad for a client who since I've been working with him, is experiencing double digit increases month after month. “This casual comfortable sectional spreads its arms to welcome family and friends.” If you were thinking of upgrading your living room, which headline would appeal to you? Your headline must draw her into your ad. The headline brings her into your ad, the copy sells her, motivates her to visit your store. Remember this: sell in your ads the same way you do in person. It takes words, the right ones and enough of them to move her along toward the sale.
Learning how to move from ‘Presenter’ of furniture in your ads to ‘Seller’ of furniture in your ads is the most profitable thing you can do in your business.

*Maxwell Sackheim. 1890 – 1982. Just one successful campaign he’s known for is the Book-of-the-Month Club. Elected to the Copywriters Hall of Fame in 1975. Truly one of the Old Masters I've studied and continue to profit from.

To find out more, get your free copy ($97, but free to any furniture or mattress store) of my breakthrough Special Report, “5 Long Lost Secrets of Scientific Furniture and Mattress Advertising that work like magic in today’s economy for any furniture or mattress store to get you more customers, more sales, more profits.” Go right now to www.lovefurnitureprofits.com. David can be reached at david@lovefurnitureprofits.com. Phone: 803.764.3977.

Do you have an marketing question or challenge you’d like me to address? Shoot me an email and I’ll talk about it in a future article. ____________________________________________________________________________________

About David Love and Love Furniture Profits. Love Furniture Profits is an advertising consulting and coaching firm that shows retailers how to get more traffic, more and higher ticket sales and more profits using long-lost scientific advertising secrets unknown by about 99% of all of today’s retailers. 

David is a 41 year furniture/mattress, in the trenches, industry veteran. His background includes retail furniture sales. Manager of a retail furniture store. 22 years on the road making money for companies like Sealy Mattress and Best Chairs. His territory and his retailers achieved sometimes remarkable sales increases due to the expert advertising and sales advice he gave. He has also owned and sold his own profitable store and was a highly regarded sales manager of a top 100 furniture store
Advertising That Sells

Articles in Advertising That Sells