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Love Furniture Profits Tip: Your Store, Too, Is A Product To Be Sold.

Furniture World News Desk on 6/2/2014

By David Love Love Furniture Profits

We advertise and promote items. Well and good. So does every other store in town. Every store has merchandise, every store has good values. Every store can say, “come buy it here.” But why? Why should customers choose your store instead of another?

Think of your store as a product to be promoted. What are the advantages your store offers that perhaps the other store does not? What are the personal benefits? I constantly preach about benefits from your merchandise. Let’s think of the benefits your store can offer that make shopping at your store just a little more advantageous.

Most stores take their benefits for granted. We think, perhaps, that the consumer already knows or it doesn’t make that much difference. But it does matter. Even the smallest advantage your store has when compared to another will indeed make a difference and deserves to be promoted.
Biggest problem here, is that most of you still don’t believe prospects and customers will read copy. I don’t have the space here to convince you otherwise, but even a list of bullet points can be helpful.
You should have a list of all the reasons why a customer should shop at your store. It makes no difference if your competition could make the same list. You have a big advantage because you're actually making the list and talking about and he is not.

You could make this fun. Have a contest among all your employees. Have each one come up with their own list. The one with the most, gets a $25 gift card. Here’s just a few examples . . .

  • Your knowledge of your merchandise. Workmanship. Construction. Fabrics. Finishes.
  • Your sense of style. Of interior design (if you’re that type of store).
  • You have more to choose from. This is an important benefit. And be specific. You have nine difference styles of leather recliners. Maybe competition has 11, but they’re not talking about it and you are. You say so with enthusiasm. You are specific. (Nine!)
  • Credit services
  • Delivery
  • Free parking
  • Longer hours
  • Nursery or play area for the kids
The list could go on and on. Something I learned years ago about selling: even if the competitor has exactly the same recliner or mattress or whatever, if I carefully explain the features and benefits and the other store doesn’t, your customer assumes you only have them and the other guy doesn’t. It’s the same with your ads.

To find out more, get your free copy ($29, but free to any furniture or mattress store) of my breakthrough Special Report for Furniture and Mattress stores, “5 Long Lost Secrets of Scientific Retail Advertising that work like magic in today’s economy for any furniture or mattress store to get you more customers, more sales, more profits.” Go  to www.lovefurnitureprofits.com. David can be reached at david@lovefurnitureprofits.com. Phone: 803.764.3977.

Do you have an marketing question or challenge you’d like me to address? Shoot me an email and I’ll talk about it in a future article.

About David Love and Love Furniture Profits. Love Furniture Profits is an advertising consulting and coaching firm that shows retailers how to get more traffic, more and higher ticket sales and more profits using long-lost scientific advertising secrets unknown by about 99% of all of today’s retailers.
David is a 41 year furniture/mattress, in the trenches, industry veteran. His background includes retail furniture sales. Manager of a retail furniture store. 22 years on the road making money for companies like Sealy Mattress and Best Chairs. His territory and his retailers achieved sometimes remarkable sales increases due to the expert advertising and sales advice he gave. He has also owned and sold his own profitable store and was a highly regarded sales manager of a top 100 furniture store.dfsas
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