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Weekly Furniture Management Tip # 128 - A Good Leader...

Furniture World News Desk on 1/31/2014

by Roy Miller, President
Country View Woodworking

A GOOD LEADER is a good coach. They ……

  1. coach self-control when emotions surface

  2. coach positive thinking when associates become discouraged

  3. coach perseverance when the economy and circumstances are challenging

  4. coach moderation of expression when disagreements surface

  5. coach remediation rather than condemnation when mistakes are made

  6. coach the value of individual differences and opinions improving rather than impairing corporate proficiency

  7. coach associates that every day is a new beginning and should be treated accordingly

  8. coach the merit of team solidarity

  9. coach that every player must contribute at the maximum of their ability to build a championship team and organization

These weekly “Monday Morning Management Tips” are jointly provided by both Country View Woodworking and Furniture World.

About Country View Woodworking: Did you know CVW is a respected leader in new ideas and innovation of formal and casual dining furniture? Comments about these weekly tips can be directed to Roy Miller (Country View Woodworking http://www.cvwltd.com) care of editor@furninfo.com.
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