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Weekly Furniture Management Tip # 122 - A Good Leader...

Furniture World News Desk on 12/16/2013

by Roy Miller, President
Country View Woodworking

A GOOD LEADER makes a good neighbor……

  1. by maintaining property values

  2. by respecting competitive organizations

  3. by helping to maintain security, both within and outside of their premises, to minimize crime in the surrounding area

  4. by promoting neighborhood family activities in conjunction with adjacent merchants in the local marketing area

  5. by contributing to proper tax assessments which provide adequate fire and police protection with local safety forces

  6. by abiding with noise and signage restrictions

  7. by utilizing local media for promotional purposes

  8. by helping to underwrite faith-based organizations with support for the welfare of less fortunate families during holiday seasons and national disasters

These weekly “Monday Morning Management Tips” are jointly provided by both Country View Woodworking and Furniture World.

About Country View Woodworking:
Did you know CVW contracts pieces and parts from a broad selection of suppliers to expand the myriad of styles and sizes offered and to expedite delivery on custom requests? Comments about these weekly tips can be directed to Roy Miller (Country View Woodworking http://www.cvwltd.com) care of editor@furninfo.com.
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