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Weekly Furniture Management Tip # 93 - A Good Leader...

Furniture World News Desk on 5/14/2013

by Roy Miller, President
Country View Woodworking


  1. understands the positive and negative impact of procrastination by both retail management and staff.
  2. creates a vision that is practical, achievable, and generates enthusiasm.
  3. realizes and encourages all in the chain of command to practice the process of prioritization.
  4. develops a cooperative atmosphere at all levels even when thoughts differ and challenges surface.
  5. knows that NOT all answers of merit emanate from upper management.
  6. seeks continuous improvement at all levels of the retail organization through research, education and experience.

These weekly “Monday Morning Management Tips” are jointly provided by both Country View Woodworking and Furniture World.

About Country View Woodworking: Did you know CVW artisans recognize that the greatest job security comes from repeat business through satisfied dealers and consumers? Comments about these weekly tips can be directed to Roy Miller (Country View Woodworking http://www.cvwltd.com) care of editor@furninfo.com.

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